i hurt myself today to see if i still feel i focus on the pain the only thing that's real the needle tears a hole the old familiar sting try to kill it all away but i remember everything...

Somniphobe's Realm

Sleep brings no joy to me
Remembrance never dies
My soul is given to misery
And lives in sighs

Sleep brings no rest to me
The shadows of the dead
My waking eyes may never see
Surround my bed

Sleep brings no hope to me
In soundest sleep they come
And with their doleful imagery
deepen the gloom

Sleep brings no strength to me
No power renewed to brave
I only sail a wilder sea
A darker wave

Sleep brings no friend to me
To soothe and aid to bear
They all gaze on how scornfully
And I despair

Sleep brings no wish to knit
My harassed heart beneath
My only wish is to forget
In the sleep of death.

~ Emily Bronte

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MeMyself&I Out of the Ashes Vegetarian
Stats, bio, and random facts about me, for anyone who cares.
My personal writings. Poems, essays, journal, rants, raves, and nonsensical ramblings.
For those considering giving up eating corpses, here's some info, suggestions, and a ton of recipes to get you started.
Ye Olde Religion Lap of the Gods Musical Box
Some basic info about paganism & earth religions in general. Incomplete, but you're welcome to take a peek...
Modest tribute to my #1 band, QUEEN. Basic info, photos, etc. plus some excellent links which provide far more than i can.
...Coming soon...

Tribute to Peter Gabriel & early GENESIS, when they were still 'progressive'.

Evil Incarnate Cavy Corner Miscellaneous
Coulrophobics Beware: CLOWN-related material.
Why clowns are among the most despicable life forms on the planet.
Care & keeping of the sweetest creature on the planet, caviia porcellus - aka, the guinea pig.
(under renovations)
Make a difference!!!
Heterosexual Questionnaire
Apocalyptic Revelations
Links & Credits

beneath the stain of time the feeling disappears you are someone else i am still right here what have i become? my sweetest friend everyone i know goes away in the end... [NIN]