Want to make a difference in your world--help end suffering, hunger, homelessness, disease, extinction, etc.? Please visit these sites. It won't cost you anything--sponsors pay for the donations, in exchange for the opportunity to have their banner ads displayed. If, like me, your meager income permits little or no financial involvement, and yet you've thought "i wish there was something i could do...", Here's your chance!
Donations benefit victims of drought, flood, hurricane, etc.
Subject to change; visit to see where your donation will go today
Donations to Red Cross
Multiple servings of food donated in exchange for click-throughs to the sponsors' websites. This one takes more time than the others since you are actually going offsite, but even if you don't have time to do all of them it's worth going just for the most generous sponsors; they are listed in descending order of donation size, so even if you only hit the first few, you've accomplished alot.
Landmines murder & maim over 26,000 people a year. Your simple click just once daily will help support the foundation's mission of eradicating landmines forever.
Formerly aid for Cancer research, temporarily taken offline for reconstruction.
Check back for update
Preserve rainforest and other wilderness lands with the click of a mouse; currently six projects, one donation per project allowed per day, so you can give to all six
Benefits Cancer and AIDs research, shelter for the homeless, food for the hungry, vaccines for impoverished children, rainforest preservation, education, and the arts. This one is truly special because there is not the usual "one click per person/day" restriction, so not only can you donate daily to each of these causes, you can donate TWENTY TIMES a day to each of them, if you are generous enough to spend that much time clicking away.(please be patient; this goes slowly at first but after you visit a few times and collect a few cookies it speeds up considerably when you return)
Benefits rainforest and endangered species preservation; also free e-greetings and e-mail, which generate even more sponsor donations. Check it out!
Rainforests produce 40% of the oxygen we breathe. It is estimated that we are losing 2 acres of rainforest every single second, which contributes to the extinction of about six species (plant, insect, and animal) per day. Save rainforests--click a button.
Self-explanatory, benefits hunger relief.
Another rainforest site...gee, those rainforests must be kinda important, huh?
Every 3.6 seconds someone starves to death. 75% of them are children. Save a life!
Click the button to help Global ReLeaf program plant trees! Every 20 clicks (one daily per person) plants a tree to restore forest ecosystems that provide clean air and water for everyone as well as habitats for endangered species and wildlife.
Did you know that approximately four million American children under the age of 12 experience true hunger each year, and an additional 9.6 million children are at risk of hunger? Click the link to provide a meal for one of 35 million Americans that can't afford to eat.