Heterosexual Questionnaire
1. At what age did you first realize you were a heterosexual? 2. What do you believe caused your heterosexuality? 3. Do your family's roles fall into the typical heterosexual pattern (strong, dominant father / passive, submissive mother)? 4. Could you have turned heterosexual out of hostility toward your same-sex parent? 5. Could your heterosexuality arise from a neurotic fear of and/or hostility toward your own sex? 6. Heterosexuals typically fail in gay partnerships; could you have turned straight out of fear of rejection? 7. If you never had a homosexual experience, is it possible that you could turn yourself around, with the right gay lover? 8. Do your friends and family know that you are straight? When and how did they find out, and what were their reactions? 9. Despite modern medical advancements, many women still have severe complications during pregnancy and delivery, some of them life-threatening. Do you feel it is healthy for women to risk the dangers of pregnancy and childbirth by subjecting themselves to heterosexual sex? 10. Do you think it's right to allow special privileges to heterosexual couples (such as marriage and related benefits: tax breaks, health insurance, conjugal visits in prison, etc.)? 11. Statistics show that 70% of marriages today will end in divorce. Why do you think there is such instability in heterosexual partnerships? 12. Why do heterosexuals put so much emphasis on sex? 13. What exactly do heterosexuals do in bed together? How can they know how to truly please one another, considering their obvious anatomical differences? 14. Why are heterosexuals so compelled to seduce others into their own lifestyle? 15. Statistically, the majority of people with AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases are straight. Do you think STDs are God's punishment toward heterosexuals? 16. With the Earth's increasing overpopulation crisis, how could humanity survive if everyone were heterosexual? 17. Statistically, lesbians have the lowest incidence of STDs, in fact AIDs is almost non-existent in the lesbian population. Do you consider it safe for women to risk disease by maintaining a heterosexual lifestyle? 18. Should heterosexuals be allowed to adopt? With all the unhappiness and instability of so many heterosexual relationships, do you think this is a healthy environment for children? 19. Do you think straight teachers/coaches/camp counselors/scout leaders can be trusted with impressionable children? Wouldn't they be inclined to influence children toward their own predilections? 20. Regarding the previous question: statistics show the majority of child molesters to be heterosexual males. Do you consider it safe to expose children to straight teachers/coaches...? 21. How would you feel if your child were a heterosexual, considering all of the difficulties he/she would have to face? 22. How can you consider yourself a complete, fulfilled person when you restrict yourself exclusively to heterosexual relationships and stubbornly refuse to explore your normal, natural homosexual potential? 23. Do you think a heterosexual therapist is inclined to influence you toward his/her own orientation? Can you really trust him or her to be objective? 24. Psychiatric techniques have been developed which may help you reform yourself, if you really want to change. Have you attempted or considered professional counseling to overcome your deviant tendencies? 25. Why must you heterosexuals flaunt your sexuality with wedding rings, openly discussing your straight lifestyle, photos at your workplace, public displays of affection, etc.? Why can't you just be what you are and keep quiet about it? |