![]() CLOWNS: Why i hate them
Although intensely repulsed by them, i am technically not coulrophobic (the clinical term for clown phobic), because i am not actually afraid of clowns in general.
However, that there are certain clowns who are genuinely frightening is impossible to deny. Consider such criminal clowns as John Wayne Gacy, Emmett Kelly III, Ronald Steve Chewning Jr. aka 'Sparkie' the clown, and others. It makes perfect sense--if you were a pedophile, what profession/recreation
would you choose? Hmmmm? You would be attracted to activities which would put you in contact with a steady supply of children, wouldn't you? And isn't there something just a little bit unstable about an adult who spends the majority of time dressed in baggy pants (or sometimes even drag), big floppy shoes & bizarre wig, with so much paint on the face as to be unrecognizable? What are they trying to hide anyway? Now, i certainly do not mean to suggest that ALL clowns are in fact murderers, pedophiles, or otherwise criminally insane. But even those who aren't are simply not nice people. They are obnoxious, frighten children, mistreat those little dogs (dressing them in those horrible miniature clown costumes & forcing them to perform), cause neuroses in many adults, and show absolutely no sensitivity or respect toward those who obviously do not want them around. I have had the misfortune of being to a few circuses in my life; when a child starts crying after this huge, scary thing comes up & sticks that hideous greasepaint-mask & wig right in the kid's face, what does the "funny" clown do? Leave the poor terrified kid alone? Have some bloody compassion and go the f*ck away as quickly as possible? (like i, probably you, & any other normal, decent human being would do) F*ck NO! the sadistic creature stands behind the kid, mocking him/her, rubbing its eyes with an exaggerated boo-hoo expression, so the kid is now not only frightened but humiliated too, as the idiots in the audience now join in, laughing at these stupid & cruel antics. I have also been at community barbecues, picnics, county fairs, etc., where i have been approached by these disgusting individuals; i attempt to calmly, politely ask that they leave me alone, but this request is rarely respected. In fact, most of them seem strongly motivated by my distaste & make a point of tormenting me longer than they did the other passersby who either cooperated or ignored them. What kind of person harasses people, mocks & humiliates frightened children, and delights in the visible discomfort of adults? An obnoxious, twisted, & possibly even evil A**HOLE! Ya know where the whole clown thing originated? Look it up in the (adult) encyclopedia of your choice: it all began as a mockery of the dead, dying & tortured. In the Colosseum of Roman antiquity, when a contestant was killed, a 'jester' would run out and skin the corpse's head; then he would wear the skin over his own face and dance around, mocking the slain person. There was also a large, hollow metal sphere called "the globe," into which condemned prisoners were placed; a fire was lit beneath, and 'clowns' would dance grotesquely around the globe, mocking the agony of the dying as the crowd laughed & cheered. This is the symbolism behind the traditional deathly-white face, blood-red lips and nose, and cross figures painted around the eyes (also used to denote corpses in drawings). Perhaps this explains the instinctive fear & revulsion so many have of clowns--they are ancient archetypes, representing DEATH! Criminal ClownsLaughter Therapy Image Gallery - Confront your demons more to come... |