The tenacious visitor who hangs out here for awhile will notice several styles of design (layout, color, theme, etc.) throughout these pages. There will also be, by the time i am even a fraction of the way through, alot of content. I am aware that "proper" webdesign requires consistency - that one "should" provide continuity by choosing one design and a few colors to use throughout - and that commercial websites follow this formula; i am also aware that it "should" be kept short, presumably because people have short attention spans and are overwhelmed by too much content. However:
1. i am not interested in "shoulds"
2. if i were designing a commercial webpage, i would follow formula too, but this is not commercial, it is my personal page; i am a human being with an unusually eclectic personality, and want my homepage to reflect that
3. anyone who is put off by variation is probably not the kind of visitor i want to attract, anyway; likewise, anyone who is put off by alot of content is not one who belongs here, either.
This is my creation, and as such is fashioned as i like it; and it is for people like myself, who appreciate variety and like looking into things with more depth. (Personally, i enjoy visiting a homepage when the author has ALOT to say - assuming it's well-written.) Anyone who does not meet this description may leave and have no trouble finding that other kind of page, but please don't bother insulting me by guestbook or in one of those "webpages that suck" sites, because this was not meant for YOU.
I am a passionate soul with strong opinions and occasionally dark moods which may not be pleasing to some. I cannot apologize for this, since i believe that the beauty of the web is that everyone has a voice - and this space is reserved for mine. If you are offended by emotional displays or outbursts of anger, or are easily upset by morbid or controversial subjects, i suggest you proceed no further.
I can be a bit of a potty mouth, and although it irritates me when people can't manage a complete sentence without the dreaded F-word, i tend to get vulgar if i am especially incensed about something. If you are easily offended by colorful language, i would again suggest you leave now. Sorry.
Still here? Well, if you choose to continue even after the above warnings you are either:
1. my kind of person and alot cooler than most others, OR
2. really dense.
All writing throughout the site - unless specified otherwise, of course - is mine. Not that it's good enough for anyone to envy, but if someone out there is unfortunate enough to write so badly that you actually want to copy mine, then 1.) i truly pity you, 2.) i would appreciate being asked first before you use anything, and 3.) please share your URL if using on a website. I put my soul into my writings, they are my children - and like any neurotic parent i like to always know where my children are. Of course, there are a legion of fat, wealthy copyright attorneys who would love for you to steal someone else's material because it could potentially line their overstuffed pockets even further. It's probably unlikely that anyone would find out even if you did pilfer something, but personally, i wouldn't risk it.
The graphics are courtesy of various sources, which are credited throughout. As far as i know, anything i have used here is public domain; if i am ever informed that i have unintentionally violated any copyrights, i will remove the offending material immediately. Eventually i would like to evolve so that i will use only original graphics, but being without the means to achieve this yet, these will have to do for now.
Opinions are welcome and appreciated. However, i will have no patience for those who choose to ignore the above cautionary notes and then bitch about it. You were warned, after all. Also, whether or not YOU happen to live in the United States, i do, and as citizen of such have the right to express whatever i please about whomever or whatever i wish, so long as i am not guilty of slander. Therefore i repeat, please do not use up space in my guestbook to insult me because my views - which i am entitled to - are different from yours; that having been said, sincere expressions of opinion will certainly be considered.
Finally, i must thank you who have bothered to read this far - and/or any other portion of my site, at any length - for it is my voice, and its primary purpose is to make that voice heard. This is an emotional outlet, a creative expression, and a powerful form of therapy, and you who visit here enable it to be so. I am grateful for this, even if you do leave critical messages in my guestbook, because at least you spared me your time at all. So...thank you! (*kisses*) You mean more to me than you know.
This site will be pretty much perpetually under construction...