LAP of the GODS

Queen has been an important part of my life since i was 6 years old, my primary musical influence, and an immeasurable comfort to me throughout my life. In fact, when i grew old enough to consider suicide, they were indirectly responsible for saving my life! It sounds stupid, but as i sat in my room contemplating whether there was even one thing worth the suffering of living another day, i looked up and saw the Queen posters covering my walls. Suddenly i realized: if i died now, i would never hear this music again, and--even worse--would miss whatever they did in the future! Silly as it seems, this band and the music that meant so much to me gave me that one excuse i needed to carry on. To this day, the music of Queen continues to be a beloved companion, appropriate to every situation, mood, & phase of life. It is a celebration for joyful times, an ongoing comfort when i need something to uplift me, and a constant reminder that--however bad things may get--there is still beauty in the world.

So this is my humble tribute to these 4 incredible people who have brought such joy & comfort to my often miserable life. It will continue to grow & develop as i am able...





~The Official Queen Website~

~Gr8KngRat & CrimsonQueen's Page~
Lots of great stuff, including many of the
graphics i've used here (thanks, guys!)

~The Best John Deacon Pix Site in the World~
Lives up to its name! Lots more than i have...

~The Ogre Site~
OK, i was pissed when i found out that the first title
for my page had already been taken...but this site
is so good i simply had to forgive.

~The Official Brian May Site~

~The May-keteers Homepage~
My personal favorite!

~Queen Rocker~
Amazing music reference--discography,
lyrics, midi files, & guitar tablature