These are some of my collection of printed material collected over the years, most (if not all) of which is probably available elsewhere. But for those who might not know where to find them, or might like to have them all in one place, i will be posting as many of these as i can find time to type up. Enjoy!

More to be posted soon...

~~~ QUEEN ~~~

Queen's Speech
Disk ~ 1973

Just a Regular Kinda Guy
New Musical Express ~ April 1974

Queen: 70s Bombshell
Melody Maker ~ 9 November 1974

In Praise of Jazz
Circus ~ 12 December 1978

Rock's Royal Crown
Circus ~ 19 January 1978

Radio goes ga-ga over 'The Works'
Circus ~ 1984

The Queen is Dead
Record Hunter ~ February 1992

~~~ John Deacon ~~~

Strategy For Global Conquest
"Circus Raves" extract ~ March 1975

Bass by Appointment
International Musician and Recording World ~ September 1979

Bored? Depressed? Lonely? Cheer up...
The HIT ~ November 1985

~~~ Brian May ~~~

Back to Where He Once Belonged
Faces ~ 1984

Blood Donor Appeal
BBC Radio 1 ~ 22 February 1994

On release of Greatest Hits III
CNN Worldbeat ~ 9 January 2000

~~~ Freddie Mercury ~~~

"Highly strung? We fight over hairspay!"
New Musical Express ~ 12 March 1974

Contents of Freddie's Pants
New Musical Express ~ 2 November 1974

Freddie's Monologue
Circus Magazine ~ 17 March 1977

~~~ Roger Taylor ~~~

Soft Hands, Hard Beat
Circus Magazine ~ 1975

Lap of the Gods