It was clear for all to see that Queen's Freddie Mercury wasn't in the best of health. His hair
lacked the recent attention of heated curling tongs; a cold sore was erupting above his upper lip;
and horror - seems he'd not been able to summon enough strength to apply Biba black nail polish
to more than one hand. Mercury was worried as the camera lens zoomed
in on him. He beseeched us to "touch up the picture to remove the cold sore if you can". I know it
sounds like we're setting the guy up, but he takes it all in good heart.
Why, last time we met he stated he was "gay as a daffodil" - and here he was, willingly holding a
daffodil in hand outside Buckingham Palace. He posed regally, shirt temporarily coming unhitched
from his trousers, revealing a hairy chest.
The British tour sapped most of the Mercury energy. Bedridden with laryngitis when it finished,
he had just a few free days to repair any mental or physical damage before Queen joined Mott The
Hoople on their two-month tour of America. He is, in short, pretty knackered - and if American
tour seems to be happening too soon after Britain, there's no way he can change things.
"I'd like a couple of weeks off, but you've got to push yourself. But we're at a stage in our career,
my dear, where it's just got to be done. I shall be resting on my laurels soon..."
He stops, considers the last remark and realises he may have said the wrong thing. Hurriedly he
comes in with: "To put it another way, I shall try and reap my profits. I've worked my ass off
these past few months. I've worked till I've dropped and after a while you physically can't do
Didn't he think the British tour was a bit too busy, what with so many gigs included?
"Yes, it was a heavy tour, but it put us in a different bracket overnight. It's a tour we had to do
and I think now we've done it we can do the next British tour on our own terms, exactly how we
like. With this tour we were booked in well beforehand at semi-gig venues and, by the time we
came to doing them, we had the album out, we'd got a bit of TV exposure and everything
escalated. I think if we'd waited we could have done all the big
venues - it's just a matter of timing. But I'm glad we did the tour when we did. Even though there
was a lot of physical and mental strain - so many things to worry about other than the music."
A situation not improved by the fact that all members of Queen are, according to Mercury, "very
highly strung". Add to that his admitted bad temper. "I'm very emotional. Whereas before, I was
given time to make my decisions, now nearly all of us are so highly strung we just snap. We
always argue but I think it's a healthy sign because we get to the root of
the matter and squeeze the best out. But lately so much is happening, it's escalating so fast that
everybody wants to know almost instantly, and I certainly get very temperamental.
You've got to know where to draw the line. But the public always come first - it's a corny thing to
say but I mean it. Lately I've been throwing things around which is very unlike me. I threw a glass
at someone the other day. I think I'm going to go mad in a few years time; I'm going to be one of
those insane musicians."
It's at this point that I begin to wonder about Mercury. On stage he lords it around like some old
slag. Offstage he's vain, camp - yet a nice enough dude. He just has an unfortunate way with him
during interviews, coming out with quotes and stories that are bound to be misconstrued or lay
him wide open to mickey-taking. This could well account for some of the unkind press the band
have received.
"I think, to an extent, we're a sitting target because we gained popularity quicker than most bands
in the last month, so it's inevitable. Briefly, I'd be the first one to respect fair criticism. I think it
would be wrong if all we got were good reviews - but it's when you get
unfair, dishonest reviews where people haven't done their homework that I get annoyed."
Unlike many British bands, they've waited until the time was right and are appearing on the same
bill as Mott, who will assuredly pull in large crowds. So the present and the future seem well
assured. I enquire about the past - like, what kind of family background does a guy like Mercury
"Middle-class. Musicians aren't social rejects anymore. If you mean: 'Have I got upper class
parents who put a lot of money into me? Was I spoilt?' - No. My parents were very strict. I wasn't
the only one, I've got a sister. I was at boarding school for nine years so I didn't see my parents
that often. That background helped me a lot because it taught me to fend for myself."
Boarding school...if we are to believe stories that circulate about boarding schools - brutish
behaviour, homosexual goings-on - well, the mind positively boggles in Freddie Mercury's case. I
broach the subject...
"It's stupid to say there are no such things in boarding schools. All the things they say about them
are more or less true. All the bullying and everything else. I've had the odd schoolmaster chasing
me. It didn't shock me because somehow boarding're not confronted by it, you are
just slowly aware of it. It's going through the life."
So was he the pretty boy everyone wanted to lay?
"Funnily enough, yes. Anybody goes through that. I was considered the arch poof."
So how about being bent?
"You're a crafty cow. Let's put it this way, there were times when I was young and green. It's a
thing schoolboys go through. I've had my share of schoolboy pranks. I'm not going to elaborate
further." Oh dear. And just when we were doing so well.